• Ladies and Gentlemen,

    We are witnessing the sixth mass extinction of species on Earth. Scientists agree that we are all responsible for this process.

    We are also the most threatened by the domino effect, where the death of one species leads to the annihilation of others that depend on it. That cycle that cannot be broken and we already cut the branch we are sitting on. Uncontrolled growth of the human population, greedy consumptionism, tourism, destruction and occupation of natural habitats, trade of endangered wildlife, poaching, pollution and the climate crisis are problems that require our immediate response. Our health and life depend on biodiversity.

    Zoos are a hope to slow down the extinction process. They maintain reserves of species of animals in case of their complete extinction in the natural environment.

Mission of our ZOO

  • Pantera mglista
    Mission Zoo Wroclaw
    • Being the animal ambassador in the human world
    • Fight for the preservation of biodiversity for the sake of the survival of future generations
    • Protection of endangered species by:
      • scientific research and ecological education
      • conservation breeding and restoring endangered species to their natural environment
      • creating a friendly zoo for animals and their human visitors.
  • Pantera mglista
    Vision of the Zoo Wroclaw
    • Sharing knowledge about biodiversity and its impact on the entire planet
    • Educating about limiting the consumption and giving the right space to endangered species of animals and plants.
    • Rescuing and preserving endangered species so that future generations can restore them to nature.